
Top 3 Punctuation Marks

Full Stop (Period)
A full stop or period (.) is a mark at the end of a sentence. It is used to:
  • denote the end of a sentence
      • e.g. My children are truly my beloved asset.
  • indicate abbreviations
      • e.g. Mr.

A comma (,) is used to separate parts of a sentence such as words, phrases and clauses or list of three or more things. It is used to:
  • denote the shortest natural pause between groups of words
  • mark short pauses (especially in written speech)
  • give a different meaning to a sentence

Exclamation Mark
An exclamation mark (!) is normally used:
  • after interjections
      • e.g. Wow! He is a real charmer.
  • with an exclamatory sentence
      • e.g. What a lovely day!
  • to express strong emotions
      • I hate her!


What is an idiom?

An idiom is an expression with two or more words without the actual meaning. In a broader sense, an idiom is a phrase or common saying, the meaning of which cannot be derived from any individual word in the expression. 


Phrasal Verbs

A phrasal verb is made up of a verb and a particle (preposition or adverb), the combination which becomes a new meaning. 

  • The workmen are using dynamite to blow up that old building.
  • We don't have practice today. The coach called it off because of poor attendance.
  • Everyone has to hand in the science report at 9.00 tomorrow morning.

Lay down: Institute, enact or establish; "make laws"
Example: With kids like that you have to lay down the law and let them see you are serious.
Lie down: To place oneself or be in a prostrate position in order to rest or sleep
Example: Lie down and relax.

Figurative Language: Hyperbole

Figurative language is normally used in literature texts such as poems and prose. It is used to show the beauty and excitement of the language. 
Hyperbole is one of the examples.

What is hyperbole?

Hyperbole is an exaggeration of a statement which is so dramatic that no one would believe the statement is true.

  • I have a million things to do.
  • We waited forever.

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